Wildfire Smoke and Chronic Illness Part 2: The Path to Recover

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The Path to Recover
We may not always have control of our environment or our situations, like being in wildfire smoke. But don’t worry, fortunately there are things we can do to help support our bodies while they recover.
Let me make it clear that I am NOT knowledgeable enough to make any sort of recommendations. I am sharing my experience, and this is not intended to be a guide to follow. Always do your own research and talk to your doctor to find out what would work best for you.
There was a time that, I myself, had dealt with unhealthy air quality due to smoke from wildfires. For more details on that experience click HERE. Below are steps that I have taken (or would have taken) to help my body recover. I’ve included links to the source of each information shared, as well as links to more information. Now let’s get into it!
1. Be Sure to Stay Hydrated
A well hydrated body will have an easier time expelling toxins. So here are things that I did to hydrate my body:
– Drink 64-96oz of Lemon Water Daily: helps to purify and revitalize the body and is excellent for the immune system
– Drink 32oz (or more) of Cucumber Juice Daily: best natural diuretic and has the ability to bring nutrients and hydration deep into the cells and tissues
– Eat Melons for Breakfast: water in melons are nearly identical to our blood and are also bioavailable, making melons one of the most hydrating foods you can eat. Click HERE for more benefits of Melons.
2. Flush Out the Toxins
In addition to staying hydrated I added these to my diet to help support my body in flushing out toxins:
– Drink 16-32oz Celery Juice in the Morning: neutralizes and flushes toxins out of the liver and will help restore the adrenals. Click HERE for more Celery Juice info.
– Take 1-2 shots of Parsley Shot Daily: it can alkalinize ALL body systems and is an all-purpose pathogen-fighter. I have to say the triple threat combo that helped me a lot was: celery juice, eating melons for breakfast, and taking these parsley shots. I even took 2 shots a day when I needed more support. Click HERE for more Parsley info.
– Drink 16oz (or more) of Thyme Water Daily: supports healing in the entire body and is an excellent natural tranquilizer, great for the entire nervous system. Click HERE for more benefits of Thyme.
3. Get Rid of Toxic Heavy Metals
There’s a ton of toxic heavy metals in the smoke from wildfires, which can cause a whole bunch of health issues. Read Heavy Metal Detox and Troublemakers That Make Us Sick: Toxic Heavy Metals for more information on how they affect us.
Luckily there are ways to help the body get rid of these toxins. Listed below are some smoothies and shots that can help.
– Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: grabs onto heavy metals and safely removes them from the body. I drink this one everyday.
– Advanced Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: removes heavy metals at a faster pace. Haven’t tried this yet, but glad to know there’s something else if I needed to get more out faster.
– Toxic Heavy Metals Exposure: helps to stop toxic heavy metals from settling deep in the body. I’ve done this after dental work before. Great tool to use if you are trying to be proactive and prevent the metals from settling in the body. If I had this when I was in the smoke, I probably would have done it daily until the smoke cleared.
– Extractor Smoothie: aids in removing different varieties of chemical toxicity and helps to clear the path for toxic heavy metals to uproot and exit the body more quickly. Another smoothie I wish I had when I was in the smoke. Definitely would have drank this smoothie.
– Advanced Extractor Smoothie: works faster than the Extractor Smoothie and will grab additional chemicals that the Extractor Smoothie may not have grabbed. Grateful for this option if I needed it for a deeper cleanse.
4. Use Food to Support the Body
Don’t underestimate the power of fruits and vegetables. Eating the right kind of foods definitely helped my body recover. I focused on eating things that would support my liver, lymphatic system, and adrenal glands.
These were super important to focus on because they are keys players for a successful recovery.
Here’s why…
The liver helps to filter the toxins from the blood.
The lymphatic system carries it out of the body.
The adrenals as they need to recoup after dealing with all the stress.
Here are some of the foods I ate while I was recovering.
Asparagus: I would either juice them with some leafy greens and apples, or I would steam them and have some with my dinner. Asparagus contain phytochemical compounds such as chlorophyll and lutein that act as critical organ cleansers. They get deep into organs such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys, scrubbing out the toxins they find there.
Apples: I tried to eat 1-3 apples a day and had them as my snack in between meals. Apples help to cleanse and purify the organs including the liver. They also improve circulation in your lymphatic system and help repair damaged skin.
Potatoes: I ate potatoes to help soothe the nerves and assist with stress. Plus they are easy to get and make in bunches when resources are limited.
Dates: I ate about 4-6 a day to help protect my adrenals and prevent myself from getting adrenal fatigue.
Leafy Greens: I would have a bowl of greens at night either for dinner or as a side with dinner. Leafy greens help to expel, purge, and drain the lymphatic system of toxins so that it can remain alkaline.
Pitaya: Made a smoothie with it every day as this helps your liver produce cells faster so regeneration of the liver can occur.
Spinach: was mixed in with my salad or I would make spinach soup for lunch. I made sure that I eat spinach because the mineral salts in a spinach leaf and especially its stem helps the liver with its over 2,000 chemical functions.
Tomatoes: were always in my salad as they harness critical phytochemicals, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that support the liver. Lycopene is a beloved nutrient that the liver admires: the liver uses it to shield itself from cell damage, plus lycopene helps the liver detox red blood cells safely, smoothly, and efficiently
These are just some of the foods that support the liver, there’s actually a whole bunch of foods. If you are interested click HERE for a list of them.
In addition to focusing on taking care of my liver, I was also mindful that I needed to support other parts of my body. Again I used food to do that.
5. Drink Teas to Help the Body Recover
Besides consuming foods I like to also drink teas if I’m needing a little boost. Here are a couple of teas I like to drink for some extra support.
Dandelion: helps you cleanse out radiation, toxic heavy metals, DDT, and other poisons. (click for more information on DANDELION)
Cleavers: highly beneficial for removing toxic debris out of the blood. It can also help to tone and strengthen the entire circulatory system. (click for more information on CLEAVERS)
Burdock: very medicinal for the liver and it purges it on a deep level. (read Burdock and Foods That Heal the Liver for more info)
Red Clover: the most powerful herb of all to support the lymphatic system and cleanse lymph fluid. (read RED CLOVER for more info)
Rosehip & Hibiscus: Rosehip supports the thymus gland which is a specialized organ that helps your immune system to function optimally. (read ROSEHIP for more info). Hibiscus has been used for centuries to support liver function and aid in liver disorders such as fatty liver syndrome and jaundice. Also try adding some raw honey for a delicious and powerful immune strengthening drink. (read HIBISCUS for more info)
Healing Will Take Time
I know this will be hard to hear but Healing Will Take Time. Totally am able to relate, to how you may be feeling about this. Trust me I think it is safe to say that everyone wants to recover quickly. With that being said there are a couple of more things that I did to help speed up the process.
One was to rebound or go on walks. The movement helps to massage the lymphatic system which assists in carrying the toxins out of the body. Another thing that I did was lower my fat intake and even went fat free for a period of time. This helps to ease the work load of the liver which then allows it to have more energy to detox all the toxins.
I’m hoping that sharing my experience will help support you on your path to recovery. Even though it may seem impossible to get better, don’t forget that we CAN HEAL and we will heal!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!