
The Different Levels of the Medical Medium Lifestyle

Photo By: TARA TOM
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Do I Need to be as Strict as you in order to Heal?

I get asked this question a lot. To be honest I don’t know.

You know I’ve heard of stories where people have healed in like 2 weeks and all they did was drink celery juice and maybe added the heavy metal detox smoothie. While on the other hand you have people like me that need to do more. So as you can see healing can happen at all levels.

Photo By: TARA TOM

Different Levels of Healing

The diagram above is a quick summary of the different levels of the Medical Medium lifestyle that I put together in a pretty picture for my convenience. It’s just a visual I made to help myself simplify the information I gathered after reading the Medical Medium books. He actually has a chapter in the Cleanse to Heal book which speaks about the different levels of healing. So feel free to check it out or read more about it. And please know that I am not trying to claim that I am the creator of this. Do keep in mind that this diagram is just a guide not rules. The different levels or steps of this lifestyle can look different for each of us.

I have found this diagram to be a helpful tool to use when speaking to friends and family looking to heal. The process goes something like this. First, we pick a level they would like to begin at and then have them try it for a set amount of time. The duration to remain at this step all depends on them. It could be for a month or a week or any other amount of time. There is no right or wrong amount. The important thing is to set a time, so that progress can be observed and a sense of achievement can be felt.

I noticed that creating this diagram of levels made it easier for people to transition to this lifestyle. Seeing it visually simplified the often daunting step of setting goals. It also has become helpful to them when they are not seeing results to be aware that there are more steps if needed. This often times lowers the feeling of frustration that regularly occurs when results are not happening.

Tips on Setting Goals

You want to set goals that are achievable yet still challenging. This is very important as I have found it to be a critical factor to sustaining this lifestyle. Honestly you don’t want your goals to be too difficult, where you feel like quitting after doing it for a couple of days or so. Ideally you want your goals to be doable for a long period of time as healing can sometimes take awhile. For more details on this watch my How to Start the Medical Medium video.


I have heard of people healing in 2 weeks and all they did was add celery juice to their diet. On the other side of the spectrum there are people like me. Where healing is taking years and there was a need to do deeper levels of healing.

Now some of you might be like me and think that doing more will get you to the finish line quicker. Well that isn’t necessarily the case with healing. Doing more isn’t always the most comfortable journey and it definitely doesn’t mean you will heal faster. According to Medical Medium, the liver will only detox an amount of toxins that is safe for the body. So even though you would like to detox more it simply won’t in order to keep you alive. You can read more about this topic here.

Another thing to keep in mind is when the body releases toxins from your new cleansing diet…these toxins don’t leave quietly. They basically go out kicking and screaming. I shared a video about this topic here. So many times you will see symptoms intensify or even temporarily resurface. Also know that NEW symptoms can sometimes appear as well. I also have videos on this feel free to watch: 6 Years on the Medical Medium Lifestyle: Update & Results, Ughhh…I Have New Symptoms, and Liver Spot Update.

How I Use the Levels of Healing

For my personal journey, I started at step 2. In the beginning I would do a level for a month or a week depending on how I feel. Then as I got comfortable with my change, I would move up a level. I continued with this process until most of my symptoms were either gone or much more tolerable. As time went on I sort of learned that steps 2 or 3 is where I’m most comfortable being at majority of the time.

I want to share that I am constantly moving up and down the levels. I know moving down a level may seem like a negative thing because you have taken a step down. But try your best not to think that. It really is just an adjustment that sometimes needs to happen. According to Medical Medium the body is always working to heal itself. So choosing to go a level down does not mean you went backwards in healing.

How Do I Know When to Move Up or Down a Level?

You may be wondering well, how will I know when to move up or down? To be honest there really isn’t an answer that I’m aware of so, I’m just going to share what I do. I like to move up if I am suffering with symptoms, am feeling like I want to further my healing, or am up for a fun challenge. When I move down it is usually due to my life being busy or me needing a little break from the kitchen. FYI, I once did fat free for 100 days, feel free to check it out HERE if you are interested.

I do like to do once or twice a year, a couple of deeper cleanses (where I’m at the top level). These usually last a minimum of a month but can go on for 3 months if I’m feeling up to it or that I am in need of it. Keep in mind I move up the levels because I feel that is needed in order for me to heal. You on the other hand may not need to go higher than step 2 and that’s okay. The levels are only there as options if you need them, they are not requirements. If you are curious, I did share a recap video of me sharing results from a 369 Cleanse and an Advanced 369 Cleanse .

As you can see the path you choose to take will be unique to you. Try not compare your path to someone else’s as it could look completely different. Also keep in mind that you have control of your journey. You have the ability to choose speed of how quick or slow you move during your healing journey. At times doubt and uncertainty may kick in but know that whatever path you choose, in the end, it will be the right one for you.

Just for fun, what is the step you are currently on in your healing? Can’t wait to read it in the comments!

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