
The 3 Kitchen Appliances I Use the Most

Credit: TARA TOM
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I don’t know about you but when I first started to cook I had no idea what kitchen appliances to buy. Deciding what to get got harder and harder as social media influencers kept showing me the “must have” kitchen tools to buy. I basically felt like I needed pretty much everything, which wasn’t good for my wallet.

So today I’m going to be sharing an honest review of the top 3 kitchen appliances that I use the most!

Kitchen Appliance #1 Steamer

Credit: AMAZON


First on my list is a steamer!

Steaming is a cooking method that softens vegetable fibers while keeping it close to their raw natural taste. It is a quick cooking method that has minimal cleanup. Majority of the time, I steam my food as it takes little effort to prep and cook. I also find steaming to be a great tool for cooking large batches of food, which in turn saves me a lot of time. Another reason I love using a steamer is because I have found it to be a great alternative to a microwave as it is a healthier way to reheat and warm up my food.

Kitchen Appliance #2 Blender

Credit: AMAZON


Next on my most used list is a high speed blender.

I use this to make all sorts of things, like smoothies, ice cream, dressings, nut milks, dips and sauces.

Sometimes I even use it to make soups. To make a soup, I’ll roast or boil some vegetables in a little bit of water, just enough to soften. Then, I’ll transfer the cooked vegetables to the blender, and will blend until smooth or the consistency I’m looking for.

It also comes in handy to make waffle or pancake batter! Just add ingredients to the blender, blend and pour onto a pan or waffle maker. Easy peasy.

Kitchen Appliance #3 Juicer

Credit: AMAZON


And finally the 3rd kitchen tool that I use the most is…. a slow masticating juicer. The one pictured above is one that is highly recommended. I have never used that brand but many people say it’s a great value for the price. The one I personally have is from a different brand but it’s really really expensive. I’ll be sure to share about it in a future post, so stay tuned for that.

One benefit of juicing is the ability to consume a high amount of nutrients in one serving. The juicer presses the fruits/vegetables and squeezes out all the minerals and vitamins, while simultaneously separating it from the fiber. That way we can consume a lot more than we would, if we had eaten it instead. Think of it this way… it’s way easier to drink a pound of spinach, a bunch of parsley, a bunch of asparagus, 2 whole cucumbers, 4 celery sticks, and an apple than it is to eat all of that in one sitting.

I have found drinking juices a great way for me to support my body. I enjoy creating different healing juices as there are so many delicious combinations. I especially love making green juices, as I am one who doesn’t eat a lot of leafy greens and herbs. So juicing helps my husband and I consume way more greens than we normally would.

Well there you have it, the 3 most used appliances in my kitchen! Hope this helps you decide what to purchase next.

Happy Shopping,

Credit: TARA TOM

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