My Hair Loss Recovery
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The first Signs of Hair Loss
Hair loss is a symptom that is way more common than I thought it was. My first signs of hair loss were seeing crazy amounts of hair on the bathroom floor. I overlooked it and made excuses for it. I would think to myself, “I have really long hair (it was down to my butt) so it just looks like I’m losing a bunch of hair” or “The weather has been hot lately so it’s causing a bit more fallout”, or “I’ve been really stressed the last couple of weeks so that’s probably why there’s more hair on the floor”. So I basically created these excuses to prevent myself from freaking out.
A couple of years went by and I decided to cut my hair to a pretty short length. I had cut it right below my shoulder. Totally expected to see less hair on the ground but the amount of hair seemed to have remained the same. For first time I thought, “Hey, maybe I’m dealing with a mild form of hair loss”. But mild turned to concern when I started to notice that the circumference of my ponytail had also shrunk significantly. My husband even made a comment about seeing large amounts of my hair on the floor in our house. All those things definitely raised a ton of red flags for me. I just didn’t want to accept it so I chose to ignore all of the signs.
Reality Hit Me… I was Losing a lot of Hair
One day I had put my hair in a ponytail and noticed my hair was very sparse on the sides. I could see so much of my scalp. It was at this very moment that I realized, I am dealing with major hair loss. I began to panic as I faced the reality. It was possible that I could end up with bald spots within a few years or even a few months. I was official terrified! I was so scared that all the excuses no longer offered comfort. Now I was forced to admit, to myself that I was officially dealing with Hair Loss!
This realization simultaneously happened when I was also dealing with all my other symptoms. Even though hair loss was a concern of mine it wasn’t a symptom that was top of the list. I had many other debilitating ones to deal with like trying not to faint all the time. So on my journey to heal these other symptoms I came across Medical Medium, which enlightened me on ways to recover from my numerous chronic illnesses. Hopeful and excited, I took his recommendations and applied them to my life, and as I’ll discuss next, it had also helped with my hair loss issues.
Root Causes for HairLoss
Like I always tell people I’m no expert nor do I claim to be one. I am only here to share my experiences and information I have come across along my healing journey. I genuinely pray I am able to restore hope and that possibly you too can recover like I have. Many of my followers from my social media platforms shared interest in learning what I did to recover. Which is why I chose to share this information my experience!
Before we get into what I was doing, it is important that we understand the root cause of my hair loss. After reading the Medical Medium books and these posts on Skin, Hair, and Nail Health and Mystery Hair Thinning and Loss , I learned that adrenaline, emotional stress, the presence of a virus, and the health of our liver effects our hair.
Adrenaline was a very big factor
I myself have an overburdened liver, which can contribute to hair problems such as hair loss and scalp issues. Another issue I suffer with are weak adrenal glands . They cause excess adrenaline to be released in the body when it is not working properly. That adrenaline is a major factor when dealing with hair loss. I also went through major emotional events and life stressors back in 2015. I moved to a new state, my 16 year old cat had passed, and I started a new job, all at the same time. So there was definitely a lot of adrenaline flooding my body.
After listening to the Medical Medium podcast on Caffeine and How it Effects Our Health I realized I had also contributed to my hair loss many years prior to it falling out. Years of drinking coffee, energy drinks, and eating chocolate EVERY day had overworked my adrenal glands. I caused them to constantly be in a fight or flight mode. This had drained my adrenals causing the specific blend of hormones that is responsible for keeping hair attached to my head to basically disappear over time. I seriously had no idea how damaging caffeine was to my body.
I’m sure there are many more factors that could contribute to hair loss. These right here are the ones I feel explained my issues with hair loss. Once I started to take care of my liver and adreanal glands my hair slowly grew back. Knowing that so many other people suffer with this I wanted to share my experiences and success.
Steps I took to Recover
After learning the root cause to my hair loss issue, it was now time for me to put in the work. Here are the things I did and am still doing on a daily basis:
- Support my adrenal glands: I eat adrenal snacks that have glucose, mineral salts, and potassium, every 1-1.5 hours to supply my body with the right energy so my adrenal glands don’t need to release adrenaline for energy.
- Lower the viral load: I do this by omitting foods that feed viruses, detox my body of Heavy Metals, drink celery juice and eat foods that help my body recover from the Epstein Barr Virus.
- Boost my immune system: I take supplements and eat nutrient dense foods that support my immune system
- Cleanse my liver: I do a morning cleanse every day, I eat foods that support my liver in cleansing, and I lower my fat intake or even omit all overt fats for periods of time. My diet is one that is full of Critical Clean Carbohydrates.
Supplement Support
I also took supplements for additional support. Supplements are very costly, and can quickly add up. So please know that I did NOT take all the supplements listed below at the same time nor did I take them every day. There are just a few that I took daily for overall support, like B12, Zinc, and Vitamin C, but the rest of them I rotate and take them off and on throughout my journey. Here are a list of specific supplements that I took to help with hair loss:
(information and recommendation by Medical Medium):
- Ashwagandha: a powerful herb that can support adrenals and transform hair health
- Nettle Leaf: supports adrenals and endocrine system and can help restore hair
- Lemon Balm: calms nerves and stress and can also help restore hair
- Zinc (high quality): boosts immune system and kills viruses
- Spirulina: helps strengthen the adrenal glands, removes heavy metals from the body, and support hair
- Barley Grass Juice Powder: strengthens immune system, alkalinize the body, and improve the health of hair
- Milk Thistle: can support the liver and revitalize hair (*FYI I did not take this one during my hair recovery but I am taking it now, and it is definitely a super powerful support for the liver)
My Results
Here’s a visual picture to show you how the amount of hair loss decreased in 7 months.
Keep in mind that each of us is on our very own unique journey so the time it will take to recover will be different. One thing I did learn from Medical Medium is that our current hair health is a result of the health of our bodies 8-10 months prior. Sometimes it can even be a whole a year. So the earliest you will begin to notice any change will be around 8 months. Which means, you will need to be consistent with the supporting your body for at least a good 8 months to see any sort of results. This is very important to understand, as I feel it is a huge factor to the success I had in recovering. Through my experiences I’ve learned that recovery and healing this way takes TIME, lots of it.
Something else that I’ve witnessed along my hair recovery journey is that I have seen some of my white hairs turn back to its natural hair color. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of it so you are just going to have take my word for it. Another interesting thing that has happened as well, is watching my hair get more wavy over the last year. I used to have wavy hair as a child, but as I aged it became straighter over time. But now it seems to be shifting back to it’s original wavy texture once again. Been on this Medical Medium lifestyle for 5 years now and am still blown away at all the new changes that surface. I am genuinely amazed at how the body is capable of doing these miraculous things all because I learned how to correctly support it.
Helpful tips I’ve Learned
Here are some helpful tools that I like to use. One, I like to have a positive relationship with my food. So I try to look at every meal as an opportunity to support my body rather than feeling frustrated with the change of food. Two, I think being consistent is so important. Consistently supporting my body, reassures that I’m on the fastest route to safely heal my body. But if I’m not consistent, I know that will increase the time it will take for me to recover. I’ve been sick long enough that I definitely don’t want this to be any longer than it needs to be.
Well my friends….I pray that this post was helpful. There’s a ton of information to digest when reading the Medical Medium information, so I hope this sort cliff note version of my experiences have made it a bit easier for you to create your unique recovery plan. The journey isn’t always easy but finding peace within this sure makes it ten times more enjoyable!
Wishing you all the best on your journey,
Thank you so much for these informations , you gave me HOPE . I’m on MM protocol for two months now and can’t wait to see the results 🧡
Awww you are so very welcome! My heart is so full! Thank you for this sweet message. Sending you tons of healing love and light as you continue to heal