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How I Eat to Heal

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“How did I do it?” “How did I start?” “How did I incorporate all the information I learned?” These are all questions that I would want answers to as well. So in today’s post I’ll be sharing what I did along with the meal plan that I created for myself. Hopefully, this post will help get you started and be of some support to you along your journey to healing.

Step 1…Educate Yourself

Let’s rewind back to the beginning of my healing journey. The very first thing I focused on was learning about the root cause of all my symptoms. I did this by reading the Medical Medium books, listening to his podcasts, and taking notes on information about each symptom. Now I want to keep this as simple as possible so in this post I will be using eczema as an example. If you are dealing with numerous symptoms, he advises to focus on the most intense symptom when starting. This lifestyle will address multiple symptoms at once, so you won’t have to worry too much about the other symptoms. Plus you will also begin to notice that many of your symptoms actually stem from the same issue.

Now I do want to be clear that this post will NOT replace reading his books. It is only meant to help navigate the next part of your journey after you have read his information. Skipping the books will leave you with a ton of questions and concerns. Plus you will find yourself a bit lost as you read this post because there is much more information to be learned. In my experience, if you don’t fully understand how to support your body, it can cause unnecessary stress and may even create confusion along the way. Trust me I have faced many challenging throughout my healing and it was his information that gave me the support I needed to find peace at that time.

Step 2…Make a list of things to focus on

Okay let’s just be honest for a second, there’s a ton of information which can sometimes be overwhelming and make it difficult to comprehend. To make sense of everything, I focused on these key bullet points to heal my eczema:

  1. The root cause of eczema
  2. The cycles of flareups
  3. How to move forward by supporting the body

In a quick summary, eczema is caused by a virus and a combination of heavy metals. The virus feeds on these heavy metals and then releases a by product called a dermatoxin. That dermatoxin then travels to the skin where it reacts with it causing what we know as a flareup. This process usually takes about 6 weeks from the time it is released to the time it makes its way to the skin. To learn more about the root cause of eczema and its cycle click here

Step 3…put in the Work

Now that you have read the books and digested as much information as you could, it’s time to start taking some steps. This is the part that I feel is a big hurdle for many of you. So to help you get over it, I’m going to try and simplify things to make it a bit easier. But before going forward I want to be completely transparent, please know that I did NOT create this nor am I claiming this is mine! All these recommendations are from the Medical Medium books, website or his podcast. These are just the steps I took. I am just choosing to share them, in hopes to help you either get started or make your journey a little less stressful.

Now let’s get into the meal plan I created to help myself navigate through this Medical Medium healing.


I ususaly begin my day with the Medical Medium Morning Cleanse. Here are the 4 steps to that:

  1. Drink 16-32 oz of lemon or lime water upon waking
  2. Wait 30 mins then drink 16-32 oz of fresh plain celery juice on an empty stomach
  3. 30 mins after that I will have breakfast which are some fruit. I usually rotate between papaya, watermelon, or apples
  4. I drink 16 oz of lemon water

Mornings may feel jammed packed but once you get into the routine, it’s not that bad. Now moving on to the rest of the day. There are 2 things we are going to apply, One is the Medical Medium Grazing Method and the second one is the Heavy Metal Detox.


For his grazing method we are to supply the body with the right kind of energy by eating glucose, mineral salts, and potassium every 1 1/2 – 2 hours (I had to do this every 1 – 1 1/2 hours when I first began). When I applied this, it came out to having 2-3 snacks in between my meals. One is a mid-morning snack between breakfast and lunch, another in the afternoon and if I am still hungry I’ll eat a snack after dinner. Click here for a list of snack ideas.


Breakfast is done, snacks are covered, now on to lunch and dinner. For lunch I make the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox smoothie. This smoothie has all 5 foods: wild blueberries, barley grass juice powder, spirulina, dulse, and cilantro. These foods help the body to safely detox heavy metals. You may have noticed in my videos that I drink different smoothies, but do know that I still get in all 5 heavy metal detox foods daily. The Heavy Metal Detox smoothie is the one I started out with, but as I became a master of my craft I got more comfortable in getting creative with this lifestyle.


And finally we have reached our very last meal, which is DINNER! Here you have the option to freely choose what to eat as long as it doesn’t have any of the foods Medical Medium suggests to omit and that your meal is low in fat. What I like to do is look through the Life Changing Foods book. In that book he shares in information on foods to help heal specific symptoms. An easy way to do this is by looking through the index in the back of the book. There you’ll find a list of symptoms with page numbers to foods that will support the body to heal. This book also has tons of recipes, and so does his other books Liver Rescue and Cleanse to Heal. Many of the recipes from his books can also be found on his website so do check that out as well. In fact here’s a great salad recipe that will help the body heal any symptom, Liver Rescue Salad.

Well my beautiful friends that is it! I hope that this post will help you get started on your path to healing. Be sure to check also check out my 30 Day Challenge post. It’s another great tool that can help you create some healthy habits.

You got this! I’m here for you and TOGETHER we will heal, one healing meal at a time!!!!

Sending tons of healing love and light to you always,

Credit: TARA TOM

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