How I Am Healing My Eczema

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Many people suffer with mysterious rashes on their bodies. The recommended thing to do is to seek help from a doctor in hopes to get rid of it. Sadly instead of feeling relieved with news of a solution to cure it, we are left with more devastating news. That there is no cure and that we have an autoimmune disease called eczema or psoriasis.

Are you feeling lost and defeated? If so, don’t worry. I got you. Keep reading and let me show you another path. A path filled with hope!
How I Am Healing My Eczema
Let me start off by saying I’m not completely healed but my skin is 10 times better then before. So what did I do to have such great improvements?
First I educated myself on the root problem. Then learned all about the cycle of eczema. Lastly I researched and educated myself on how to use food to heal. I learned from Anthony William the Medical Medium that eczema is caused by a pathogen in the liver. That pathogen (normally the Epstein Barr Virus) feeds on heavy metals such as copper and mercury trapped in the liver.
How Did We Get These Heavy Metals?
We can get heavy metals from many different sources. Like from metal amalgam fillings, eating fish, pipes of faucets, cookware, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and it can even be passed on to us from our parents. Yes…our parents and even our parents’ parents. They lived during a time when DDT (a toxic copper filled pesticide) was sprayed EVERYWHERE. So as this generation began to have children they passed it on to their babies in the womb, placing heavy metals in the baby’s liver at birth. Not only are our parents able to pass on heavy metals to us, they are can pass on pathogens as well. This is the reason for many babies, including myself, to have eczema at a very young age or even at birth.
What Causes the Flareup?
Now you won’t get eczema unless you have both the pathogen and heavy metals in your body. The pathogen (usually Epstein Barr Virus) consumes heavy metals and then eliminates it by releasing a by product called a dermatoxin. That dermatoxin is then makes it way to the dermis. It then reacts with the skin causing what we see and know as a flareup or rash. Medical Medium says there are over 100 varieties of eczema and psoriasis which the reason for all the different skin conditions. So with that in mind it means each person will heal and react to things differently based on the variety that one may have.

Understanding the problem versus a trigger really helped me to build a strong foundation for a successful plan and resulted in me seeing long lasting results. I also focused on using different foods and supplements to support my liver to detox these pesky pathogens, pesticides, and heavy metals. The resources I used to learn about it were the Medical Medium website, his social media pages, his books, and his radio shows. All of those resources have honestly been my foundation and support to healing💚
To learn more about how to heal from eczema click on the links below. I used each of these links to help me heal as well:
Eczema & Psoriasis (Free Download) by: Medical Medium
Understanding the Root Cause of Eczema and It’s Cycle
Healing Your Liver
Heavy Metal Detox
Also read my other posts Is it Normal to Get Flareups Before Healing? and How I Detox My Body of Heavy Metals?

Thanks so much! I also have his book. Really appreciated your response and help.
You are very welcome!!!
I wish you recorded your live videos on IG to put on YouTube. Sometimes I don’t get to watch the videos in time 🙁
Awww…maybe one day I’ll start a YouTube account😊
the “heal your liver” link in the bottom of your page here does not work. FYI
Thanks for letting me know! I just fixed it. Happy Reading!