Are You Aware of How Inflamed Nerves Can Affect You?
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For the longest time I associated all those symptoms listed above on the left as proof that I was just aging. My mom acquired them as she got older so I assumed it was just a part of life. But then over time my symptoms got worse, so bad that it became debilitating. They started to interfere with my everyday activities, slowly limiting them one by one, until I could no longer do ANYTHING.
Everything was making me feel faint and lightheaded. Unaware of the cause of it, made me worry that at any moment I could experience it again. So I had to stop working because I had it happen to me twice at work, where I had to quickly excuse myself before I ended up fainting and hitting my head on the marble floor.
But the limitations didn’t stop there. Exercising, taking a hot shower, having a conversation with someone, standing in line at the grocery store, being in the sun for 5 minutes or even walking outside for 10 minutes… ALL made me feel lightheaded and faint.
Things Got Worse
At this point, you would think things couldn’t get any worse. Well it did. I then began to experience anxiety. This wasn’t the form of anxiety I knew of…it was different. I would experience physical symptoms of anxiousness before even having the chance to think about it in my head. That “it’s all in your head” mentality didn’t match what was happening to me, so using positive mind exercises or methods was of no help.
Hope Was Restored
Lost, confused, and desperate for help I prayed to God and thank goodness my prayers were answered. Shortly after my prayers a post from Goop popped up on my Facebook feed. It opened the door to life saving information on the root cause of all of these symptoms. It was not in my head, nor was it genetic, or just part of life. I was dealing with neurotoxins inflaming my nerves.
To read all this information gave me so much relief. It was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Things got even better when I learned that it was possible to heal!!!
I mean I went from a sad, trapped, hopeless feeling from doctors telling me I had an autoimmune disease called eczema.. to a happy, hopeful, and free feeling when Anthony William the Medical Medium told me…I could heal!!!
HowDoI Recover?
Many of you may now be wondering… What’s the secret? What is the special supplement to take? What is “the cleanse” that will help me to heal?
The answer lies in you becoming the expert of your health. It all begins with understanding the root cause of your symptoms, learning how these neurotoxins and viruses operate, and educating yourself on how to heal using foods and supplements. Educating yourself will lay down a strong foundation for a successful healing journey.
Does this stuff really work? Absolutely! I want to be up front and honest with you. I am not 100 percent healed yet, as healing takes time. But I am able to start exercising again, walking at a normal pace for a good 1-2 hours, take longer car rides without getting sick, be in the sun for longer periods, I can wear hats and sunglasses once again, and stand in grocery store lines without anxiety. This is all possible because I have been consistently working on strengthening my central nervous system, killing the Epstein Barr Virus, getting rid of heavy metals, detoxing my liver, and supporting my adrenal glands.
So to you who is reading this and relating to every symptom or even just one of the symptoms, know that it is totally possible to heal. All you need to do is take time to become the expert of your health. Now go back and read all the links in this post. It will be a great place to start on your path toward healing!
Thank you Tara for your knowledge and advice.
Awww you are so very welcome Lisa
Wow this is exactly what I am experiencing with some additional things like neck pain, chest pain and headaches.
Isn’t it so interesting to learn how our nerves play a huge role in many of our symptoms??!!
Yes!! And so sad that doctors don’t know this or have a solution.
Oh I know…thank goodness for all the people sharing their experiences of healing
Hi Tara,
I came across one of your videos on YouTube yesterday which led me to your website and blog. I’ve been mostly following the Medical Medium way of eating since last October. I’ve read all his books. How did you connect not being able to wear hats and sunglasses with inflamed nerves? I don’t recall reading it in his books or blog. I used to have this problem, but I don’t anymore, thankfully. I’m sure I’ll be reading more of your blog and watching more of your videos.
I guess when I learned that nerves could become inflamed and sensitive to pressure a light bulb went off. It made perfect that my issues with hats and sunglasses were a result of my nerves being sensitive to the little pressure from wearing them. You see when I would wear either of them I would feel like they were squeezing my head. So to fix the issue I used to try and loosen my hats or wear sunglasses that were light as a feather. But that didn’t work, they both still made me feel lightheaded and faint. Finally after following the MM recommendations to help heal my nerves I can wear both of them without any issues! And I guess that was the proof that proves to me that it was my inflamed sensitives nerves causing those issues😊
Thank you for sharing your story. I have pretty much the exact same issues you had at the start of your journey. I actually ended up getting terminated from my job because I could no longer go to work. My symptoms started at work and I attempted to go in and then everything progressed and I had to stop going. This has been so hard to deal with. I can’t do everyday things that I’ve always done. Also, the things I love to do like hiking. You give me hope and I am starting the protocol. Good luck with your healing journey 💗
Awwwww I’m so sorry to read that you are experiencing similar symptoms. I know all of this can be tremendously challenging and heartbreaking but hang in there HOPE is definitely there. I’m so happy to connect with you and I wish you all the best on your journey! You totally got this and you too will heal 🌟🙌🏼🌟