8 Years on the Medical Medium Lifestyle

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This month makes 8 years that I’ve been following the Medical Medium Lifestyle. It’s so crazy to even write that! Honestly, I had no intentions on doing it for this long. It’s just something that has been working well for me and I continue it as I am still on a path toward healing.
You read that right, I still have some lingering symptoms but a lot of them have disappeared. I’ve also have had new symptoms pop up here and there. Nothing too crazy. I don’t think many of us realize that we are bombarded with toxins everyday. So the chances of us catching another virus or acquired new toxins is inevitable. Honestly, prior to finding Medical Medium that sort of statement would have terrified me. But these days I feel much more at peace knowing that there are things I am able to do to support my body.
Being that this is my 8 year anniversary, I thought I would share a list of symptoms I’ve either had or currently have. Along side each symptoms I’ll share if it’s gone or still lingering. Some of the symptoms will have links where you can find more details of my experience or to information I used myself to recover. Feel free to inquire more about any of the symptoms listed in the comment section below. I’ll try my best to share more of my experience.
A List of my Chronic Symptoms
So here is a list of all my chronic symptoms (well the ones that I can remember) as of 02/2024:
Eczema -haven’t had a flareup since 2020.
Click for: pictures and more details of my experience
Seasonal Allergies -gone!
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Hair Loss -hair grew back but due to adrenaline surges this comes and goes. Positive note it was never permanent.
Click for: pictures and more details of my experience
Ringing in the Ears/Tinnitus -every once in a while I’ll have a little episode of this, but not anything like before. In the past it would last for months and keep me up at night. The sound would sometimes sound like a piece of paper crumpling or like a something constantly rolling back and forth. Other times it would sound like a crackling noise.
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Weight Gain -so when I first started this lifestyle I lost weight. The weight just effortlessly dropped off and I was at a good healthy weight. Then as the years went on my weight began to slowly increase. I’ve pretty much been eating the same and am even more active than that time I lost weight. Currently I’m about 20 lbs heavier than my normal weight. It does make me feel frustrated at times but this is just the trajectory of my health. Definitely read the link below as it will explain what is happening!
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Stomach Bloating -still dealing with this one. At times I can look like I’m 5 months pregnant.
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Edema -still something I’m dealing with. My face is where it is most noticeable. It gets super puffy and swollen. It’s taking some time to heal but I know it will slowly get better as I continue to focus on supporting my liver, adrenal glands, and lymphatic system.
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Cold Hands & Feet -it comes back every so often, but most of the time it’s gone. I remember my feet would get so cold that the bottom of my feet would turn blue and purple. The cold would be so bad at times that I would be frozen up to my knees. These days if it does happen only the toes or fingers get cold.
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Numb Hands & Feet -gone thank goodness. There were times it got so bad that my feet would go partially numb while walking. I remember I would try to wear wide, loose fitting shoes so I would have room to wiggle my toes and to try and promote circulation.
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Brittles Nails -they are stronger than before but not as strong as they used to be. My nails were so soft at one point that it would break or crease if I gently pushed on them.
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Chronic Neck Pain -haven’t had a flareup in a while. Thank goodness. This one actually started after getting whiplash from a car accident. I remember going to the chiropractor for relief and he was baffled as to why I would still be experiencing pain. He told me I should have healed from it already. The neck pain would come and go at different times. Sometimes it would be so bad that it would give me a headache. Nothing really stopped it from happening so it just became something I had to live with.
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Fatigue -this one is still lingering. It isn’t nearly as bad as before. These days I do get little moments of fatigue throughout the day but it’s manageable. Not like in the past, where there were times that I could barely lift a fork to my mouth.
Click for: a video of my experiences
Brain Fog -this is another symptom that is still around but again isn’t nearly as bad as before. There was a period in the past where everything felt like a chore. Like something as simple as choosing what to eat, would feel like you asked me to name all the countries in the world in alphabetical order. It was such a crazy experience.
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Jumping Vision -thank goodness it’s gone. This was such an odd and annoying symptom. My vision would jump, and my eyes would feel like they were vibrating side to side really fast. I remember trying so hard to stabilize my vision so I could focus. Luckily the episodes would be short but having them constantly happen made me feel little dizzy. Not sure what was the real issue but by following the Medical Medium protocols it disappeared.
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Migraines -completely gone! I used to get them ALL the time. I remember I would always have a bottle of Tylenol with me because if I felt like one was starting there was only a small window to try and stop it. If I didn’t take Tylenol quick enough then I would have to hide in a silent, dark room for hours to help with the pounding and nausea.
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Motion Sickness -not gone but manageable. This one….was so bad. Just reversing out of the parking stall used to turn my stomach upside down. I couldn’t go anywhere without feeling nauseous. Every bump, every turn, every thing I looked at while sitting in the car immediately sent a wave of nausea in my stomach. Plane rides were 10x times worse! I still suffer with it at times but thankfully it’s somewhat tolerable.
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Sun Sensitivity – I would say this is almost gone. The sun will still bother me if I’m in it for like a hour or if it’s super hot. But like most other symptoms, it’s not nearly as bad as it was before. Being in the sun used to make me feel faint, lightheaded, nauseous, or even give me headache. There was a time that I couldn’t be in it for more than a couple of minutes. Even the sun shining through the car window would make me so sick. I literally would always have something to block the sun from shinning on my face in the car.
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Feeling Faint all the time -it’s been a LONG time since I’ve experienced this feeling. So I would say it’s pretty much gone. Never was diagnosed with it but I suspect it may have been POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). Many other people have also told me they thought the same as I did.
Click for: a post on my experience with POTS
Sensitivity to pressure (not able to wear sunglasses, hats, or put my hair in a ponytail) -gone! I don’t have any medical name for this but that’s what would happen. Sounds so crazy to even describe this but that is literally what I experienced. So for about 2 years I couldn’t wear any sort of glasses, hat, or put my hair in a ponytail or bun. The nerves in my head were so sensitive that I could feel even the slightest of pressure. If I did do any of those things, I would end up with a headache or get lightheaded.
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Sensitivity to heat (hot temperatures made me feel faint or have a migraine) -this for the most part is gone, but every once in a while I do experience this. Definitely not as severe or intense as before. So basically what would happen is if I went into a sauna or a room that was hot (like stuffy or crowded), I would get lightheaded, have tunnel vision, and start to see stars. But if let’s say the day was hot, like temperature wise, and I was unable to cool down, at night I would end up with a migraine.
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Heightened Sensitivity to Cold -always freezing even if the temperature outside it warm was another symptom I had. It could be 90 degrees outside and I would feel cold and wear sweatshirt. Again the nerves were the root issue of this and because my nerves are healing this symptom rarely shows up.
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Body Unable to Regulate Temperature -you read that right. I was not able to sweat. Basically when I would get hot, I would overheat and feel lightheaded or nauseous. This symptom is much much better these days as I am able to sweat quite quickly. But there are a few times when I am hot and it takes awhile before sweating occurs.
Click for: more information , more information on supporting the adrenal glands
Anxiety -for the most part is gone. Haven’t had any episodes that I can recall. I may have had one or two in the last year but they quickly ended. Honestly, I don’t even like to say I had anxiety because what I felt didn’t match what most people define as anxiety. My experience was that I would physically feel anxious or super nervous for no reason. I wasn’t an afraid of something, nor was there some big stressful event triggering me. The physical symptoms would just happen out of no where. This is what made it so frustrating because there wasn’t anything I could do to calm myself or my mind.
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Panic Attacks -gone! Again like anxiety, I don’t like to ever say I had panic attacks because there was nothing stressful that had caused it. I remember one night when I was sleeping I woke up to myself having a panic attack. This blew my mind as I was literally peacefully sleeping. I just couldn’t understand how it was possible for me to have a panic attack when nothing stressful was there to trigger it.
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Tightness in the Chest -gone! Hallelujah. This was a scary one because I thought I was having a heart attack. But I knew I didn’t because my chest was tightening in the center not by my heart. Plus I didn’t have any of the other symptoms. Oh and FYI my heart, according to the doctor, is working just fine.
Again like anxiety and my panic attacks this wasn’t triggered by any outside factors. In fact, there was a time where I was taking a nice relaxing shower and then it hit me. My chest tightened and following that I had a full blown panic attack. It was so crazy.
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Dry Skin -still working on this one. My skin has been dry my whole entire life, but it has been worse within the last couple of years. So bad that my skin cracks and sometimes I have little cuts everywhere.
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Age Spots -this one actually only surfaced a couple of years ago. I still have spots on my face but I can see that the dark coloration in the spots are separating and parts of it are starting to lighten.
Click for: more information , more information on supporting the skin
Dark Circles -gone! I used to have such dark circles under my eyes. So dark that when I tried to cover it up with any sort of makeup it looked worse.
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Fatty Liver – this is a new one but I definitely suspected I could be on my way towards. Haven’t been officially diagnosed with this but… in a recent blood test, the doctor had said the enzymes in my liver were slightly elevated. So I may have a fatty liver or am definitely on my way towards it.
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Adrenal Fatigue -I think I’ve had this symptoms almost my entire life. I was one who always dealt with that afternoon crash. Never thought it was due to my adrenals not working properly. Honestly just thought it was normal as I didn’t life any other way. I am still working on healing this but have definitely had days where this didn’t happen and that’s when I realized it wasn’t normal.
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Teeth Grinding -I currently am still suffering with this symptom. Most of the pain from this is on the same side of my neck pain. The pain got so bad that I went to the dentist thinking I should get it checked. The dentist looked at it and said I needed a root canal, so I got it done. Well that didn’t solve the issue, which I didn’t think it would because the pain would travel to different areas. Plus it didn’t feel like it was coming from a tooth. Still experiencing pain on that side of the mouth. It’s not constant but it is still there at times.
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The Journey to Recover
The journey to recovery can be long as this is the case for me. But it can also be quick. I’ve heard of someone who was able to find relief in like 2 weeks with just adding celery juice to their diet.
There are many factors that determine the length of time it will take to heal. Like the state of your immune system, number and variety of pathogens you have, the amount of heavy metals and toxins in your body, the health of all your organs, and the list goes on.
So let go of all your fears, expectations, and possible limiting beliefs around healing. You are reading this for a reason. Use this moment to digest and accept the idea that YOU really CAN HEAL!
Read my post How I Eat to Heal for more details about how I use food to heal.
Watch my Medical Medium Anniversary videos where I do recaps or give updates of each year.
Also I highly recommend reading Cleanse to Heal, to learn more about my lifestyle
Sending tons of healing love and light to you always,

This was great Tara and obviously a lot of time and thought went into it. I can relate with many of your symptoms and much appreciate the links you provided for more information. The one of the most confusing of my symptoms was the weight I gained after being on this MM journey for a few years. The link you provided was an “ah~ha”.
How long has it been since you’ve experienced POTS?
Haven’t had an episode in years